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Department of Health Services

Behavioral Health Division

County of Sonoma Launches Warm Line for Emotional and Mental Health Support

Published: April 29, 2020

The Department of Health Services Behavioral Health Division (DHS-BHD) is very pleased to announce that the Behavioral Health Warm Line(707) 565-2652 will be available for calls starting April 23, 2020. We are in very uncertain times, and the warm line is a supportive resource for the community. This free and private warm line is open seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. The warm line has English and Spanish speaking staff answering calls and telephone interpretation for other languages. 

“All of us in Sonoma County are dealing with unprecedented circumstances in our lives during this pandemic. Many of us need support in coping with these changes,” says Supervisor Susan Gorin, chair of the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors. “We want to make sure help is available to anyone who needs it. There is someone you can talk to right now.”

DHS-BHD behavioral health professionals staffing the warm line are available to talk with callers to provide support, guidance, education, and referrals. The warm line is available to any County resident experiencing emotional side effects of the pandemic and/or the shelter in place order, or who knows somebody who is.