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Department of Emergency Management

For Immediate Release

Department of Emergency Management announces public meetings seeking input on Hazard Mitigation Plan

SANTA ROSA, CA | January 14, 2025

En español »

Sonoma County’s Department of Emergency Management will host its second in a series of public meetings to seek public input on updating the County’s 2021 Hazard Mitigation Plan. 

The in-person meeting will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 22, at 5 p.m. at Herzog Hall, 175 Fairgrounds Drive, Petaluma. Live in-person Spanish interpretation will be made available.

This meeting will provide an overview of the 2026 Sonoma County Hazard Mitigation planning process and describe how the public can provide input on natural hazard problems and potential solutions. The mitigation projects identified in the plan will reduce vulnerability and increase community resilience in times of natural disasters. 

Additionally, the County is asking members of the public to contribute to the planning process by taking a survey. This survey is designed to gather information from around Sonoma County to better coordinate activities and reduce the risk of injury or property damage. The questions are for information-gathering only, and responses will be shared with municipal, state, federal, and county entities for planning purposes only. 

To access the survey and to find out more about the planning process, please visit the Sonoma Department of Emergency Hazard Mitigation webpageor follow the links listed below:

Survey in English:

Cuestionario en español: 

For questions or inquiries, please reach out to>

Media Contact:
Gilbert Martinez, Communications Specialist
(707) 565-3040 
575 Administration Drive, Suite 104A
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
