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Chalk Hill Road Bridge Replacement

Sonoma Public Infrastructure's offices are now located at 400 Aviation Blvd, Suite 100, Santa Rosa, CA 95403.

Project Goals, Status, and Timeline 

Project Goals:

  • Replace existing bridge with a bridge that meets modern design and construction standards
  • Design a bridge that reflects local character and environment
  • Improve safety and access for drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, and emergency services

Project Status:

The Project Team has completed their technical field investigations and has held three community outreach meetings. Based on the feedback from the community outreach meetings the Project Team has determined that the existing bridge will be removed and has selected the bridge alignment and roadway width as seen here:

Chalk Hill Bridge


Chalk Hill Bridge Width 11-22-21

Estimated Timeline:

In Spring/Summer 2019, the Project Team conducted technical studies and community workshops designed to inform the public about the project and the development of design alternatives. Environmental studies will take place from 2019 – 2022, with a final bridge design expected in 2023. Bridge construction is expected to take place in 2024-2026.

The Project Team has completed its site investigations and the bridge type has been selected based on public feedback. The environmental permitting process is underway and design development is ongoing. 

Community Outreach & Next Steps

The Project Team has held three community outreach meetings at the Alexander Valley Hall to discuss the replacement of the Chalk Hill Road Bridge.

February 19, 2019: First Community Meeting  

The purpose of the meeting was to:

  • Describe the need for the project
  • Describe the key project constraints
  • Seek community input regarding future use of the existing bridge
  • Seek community input regarding design of the replacement bridge

Based on community comments at this meeting, there appears to be a consensus to:

  • Remove the existing bridge
  • Locate the replacement bridge near the existing alignment
  • Keep design speeds low
  • Minimize roadway width

June 4, 2019: Second Community Meeting 

The purpose of the meeting was to:

  • Review Community Meeting #1
  • Present conclusions drawn from community comments
  • Provide project update
  • Seek community input on design considerations

Based on community comments at this meeting, the consensus is:

  • Remove the existing bridge
  • Build new bridge on parallel alignment
  • Select the roadway configuration that meets use and safety requirements while minimizing impacts to the natural environment
  • Bridge type concepts should reflect or enhance the rural bucolic setting

October 1, 2019: Third Community Meeting  

 The purpose of the meeting was to:

  • Review Community Meetings #1 and #2
  • Present conclusions drawn from community comments
  • Provide project update
  • Present bridge type concepts and scour countermeasures for community feedback

 Based on community comments at this meeting, the consensus is for:

  • Minimum structure width
  • Low profile crossing that is subservient to surroundings
  • Open barrier rail

 July 21, 2021 from 6pm-8pm: Fourth Community Meeting

 The purpose of the meeting was to:

  •  Review Community Meetings #1, #2 and #3
  • Provide project update
  • Present selected bridge type
  • Solicit input on architectural features

Chalk Hill Bridge Elevation

Chalk Hill Bridge North from South Approach

September 13th – 19th, 2021: Bridge Textures and Colors Exhibit

Based on feedback from the 4th public meeting held July 21, 2021, the design team has organized an exhibit of proposed concrete colors and textures for the replacement bridge.

The concrete color and texture samples will be on display on the porch of the Alexander Valley Hall (5512 CA-128, Geyserville, CA) from the afternoon of Monday September 13th through the evening of Sunday September 19th

Chalk Hill Bridge Concrete Samples

Next Steps & Moving Forward:
The next steps include formalizing bridge type selection, preparing a PS&E (plans, specifications and estimate), then completing and submitting the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) documents for review and approval. Final approval may require 18 months or more.

 Once the NEPA documents have been approved, the design will proceed to completion with intermediate reviews by County staff and Caltrans. Ideally, the project would be released for bids in the fall so that construction could begin the following spring.