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Sonoma Public Infrastructure

Watmaugh Road Bridge from the side

The Historic Watmaugh Bridge Over Sonoma Creek

Sonoma Public Infrastructure's offices are now located at 400 Aviation Blvd, Suite 100, Santa Rosa, CA 95403.

The creek crossing at Watmaugh Road was a ford until the 1890s when, at the behest of local residents, the County financed construction of a wooden bridge. The Watmaugh Road crossing provided a more direct link to the south end of Sonoma and the lower Broadway area. The King Iron Bridge Manufacturing Company was awarded a $2,730 contract in 1891 to build the bridge. Under the 1919 Highway Modernization Plan, the County opted to replace the original bridge over Sonoma Creek as part of a series of improvements to what was then known as the Petaluma-Sonoma Highway. County Surveyor Edward A. Peugh drew up the plans for the replacement steel truss bridge in 1927, and on March 12, 1929, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors awarded a contract of $14,783 to Walter Lewis Proctor to build it.

Photos (click for full size)

Under Watmaugh Bridge Watmaugh Bridge from Watmaugh Road Watmaugh Bridge from side Watmaugh Bridge bent Watmaugh Bridge from Watmaugh Road
Watmaugh Bridge from side Watmaugh Bridge from side Watmaugh Bridge bent Under Watmaugh Bridge Under Watmaugh Bridge
Under Watmaugh Bridge Watmaugh Bridge bent Under Watmaugh Bridge Under Watmaugh Bridge

3D Scan of Watmaugh Bridge

As-Built Drawings

Watmaugh As-Built Drawing Watmaugh As-Built Drawing Watmaugh As-Built Drawing Watmaugh As-Built Drawing
Watmaugh As-Built Drawing Watmaugh As-Built Drawing Watmaugh As-Built Drawing Watmaugh As-Built Drawing