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For Immediate Release

Free Landscape Design Templates for the Fire Rebuild

Santa Rosa,CA | March 20, 2018

The Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership and partners are developing free landscape design templates to help fire victims get back in their homes faster, while encouraging long-term environmental sustainability. Sonoma County residents are invited to attend two community input sessions to participate in the development of these landscape design templates, which will help define the look, feel, and functionality of the landscapes in the neighborhoods being rebuilt.   

The Non-profit group Daily Acts and Ann Baker Landscape Architecture will be leading the Community Input Sessions on the evenings of March 28, 2018 and April 5, 2018 at the Finley Community Center from 6:-00 PM – 8:00 PM with support from the Sonoma County Water Agency, City of Santa Rosa, Equinox Landscapes, and Foresite Mapping. The first half hour of the meetings will be devoted to socializing, meeting local builders and other contract professionals and reviewing a number of concept plans for different landscape aesthetics and features. There will be a brief presentation followed by small group design charrettes and a facilitated discussion providing a summary of feedback and next steps. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided.   

Designed to be scalable, these landscape templates will be available to the public to help meet the permitting requirements associated with the installation of new landscapes. Community input is vital to ensure that these templates will be useful and provide the values and looks desired by Sonoma County residents.  

For updates on this project, please sign up for the Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership’s e-newsletter at
