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Happy, Healthy Holidays

Published: December 18, 2015

christmas ornament'Tis the season of joy and togetherness - and crowds, lines, overspending, and too much togetherness, at times. It's little wonder that so many of us feel stressed during the holidays.

Below are tips on how to have a healthy, happy holiday. Just click on the title to read the full article.

Ahhh....mazing gifts to soothe stress

So, you've made your list, checked it twice, but still don't know what to get for that special someone? If the last few months have been stressful for him or her, a soothing gift may be just the ticket, especially during a busy holiday season.

Stress, depression and the holidays: Tips for coping

With the holiday season comes increased demands on your time - such as hosting, shopping, baking, cleaning, and visiting, just to name a few. These practical tips can help keep stress and depression at bay.

Wellness coaching for stress management

Is the stress of the holiday season wearing you down? A personal wellness coach can offer extra support to help you make a plan for stress management.*

Healthy Recipes of the Month

If there's one thing that's in short supply but high demand during the holidays, it's extra time. Who has time to spend hours in the kitchen when there are get-togethers to attend, parties to host and gifts to wrap?

These healthy dishes take under 30 minutes to make and can be taken to holiday gatherings. Bon appetit!

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