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Human Services Department

Family, Youth, and Children Division

Report: Hotline and Resources

If you think a child is experiencing abuse or neglect by parents or caregivers, Sonoma County Child Protective Services take reports 24/7.

  • If a child is in immediate danger, first call 9-1-1.
  • Otherwise, call the confidential Child Protection Hotline day or night: (707) 565-4304 or (800) 870-7064.

Are you a mandated reporter who needs to make a report of suspected child abuse or neglect?

  1. Call the Child Protection Hotline 24/7 to make the verbal report: (707) 565-4304 or (800) 870-7064.
  2. Within 36 hours, file a written report. Complete the California Suspected Child Abuse form (SS 8572) online. Click here to see the state guidelines for completing Form SS 8572. You can save the document, then email the form, or download the form, print and fax.
  3. Email the confidential completed form to, or fax the printed form to (707) 565-4324.

Are you someone who needs Mandated Reporter Training?

Email to request a Mandated Reporter Training.