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Sonoma Public Infrastructure

Informational Survey and Questionnaire

Published: July 31, 2018

County of Sonoma and City of Santa Rosa Campus Market Viability of the Government Center Developments

The County of Sonoma and the City of Santa Rosa are pleased to invite you to respond to an Informational Survey and Questionnaire to determine the market viability of the government center development concepts (The Concept).  This development opportunity could represent up to 700,000 square feet of government (County and City) occupied office space plus additional County government buildings, opportunities for additional City government buildings, as well as mixed use retail and housing development, on approximately 100 acres of land in central Santa Rosa, California.  

To read the full text of the document please click here.

To complete the Informational Survey and Questionnaire, please click here

Responses must be received no later than 2:00 p.m. on August 21, 2018


The County of Sonoma (County) and the City of Santa Rosa (City) are interested in replacing aging government facilities that are beyond their useful life.  Our goal is to transform County- and City-owned properties into development solutions that, among other things, result in construction of much needed housing, enriching the community’s quality of life and creates economic vitality. The County and the City have identified potential opportunities for development concepts ranging from co-locating both agencies in in downtown Santa Rosa, to development(s) on separate parcels currently owned by the respective agencies. The County and the City are open to all solutions that would deliver the best Concept(s) to meet the needs of our growing community. The County and the City are seeking input from the market to better understand what combinations of sites, development scenarios and financing structures are best able to address our needs.

The purpose of this Informational Survey and Questionnaire is to collect information from the consultant, investor, development communities and others engaged in office, government, and mixed-use development projects.   The County and the City may use information collected to inform potential future competitive solicitation(s) that reflect industry best practices for public sector campus development and rebuilding projects. Based on the information provided in response to this Informational Survey and Questionnaire, and in the County and/or the City’s sole discretion, future solicitation(s) could include: a formal solicitation process; using an existing County and/or City contract; procurement via cooperative purchasing agreements; or piggyback of a contract established as a result of a public solicitation of another public agency.