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January 8 Storm Update – 4:30 PM

The current forecast from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) projects that the Russian River will enter flood stage of 32' Monday evening and hit 34.7' in Guerneville on Tuesday morning. The river is expected to subside below flood stage Wednesday morning.

Published: January 08, 2023

The most up-to-date County emergency resources can always be found at

Los recursos de emergencia del condado más actualizados siempre se pueden encontrar en

Y’all, I know we’ll get to the point soon where it’s all mud and muck and hosing things off as fast as we can before everything turns into River mud concrete… [Newbies, take note: do not let that stuff dry and harden.] And we’re getting close to that place where we’re all grumbling ”wtf, 2023?”… and just soggy and tired and done.

I know some folks are already there; it’s been a rough week. But right now I’m weirdly bursting with community pride. Maybe it’s lack of sleep talking, but I find it humbling and inspiring to watch everyone pulling together through these storms and taking care of one another. Despite major failures in our power and communications systems, our sense of community is beautiful and strong and resilient.

Neighbors are helping neighbors; non-profits are stepping up with support; and our first responders, roads crews, and Emergency Operations Center are (sometimes quite literally) moving mountains. (Literally because, you know, mountains are sliding onto roads, and roads are sliding down mountains, and we’re working on fixing that.)

Read the full newsletter, including Roads Update, Weather Update, Flood Update & County Resources