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Notice of Measure To Be Voted On In May 4, 2021, Special Election (Northern Sonoma County Fire Protection District)

Published: February 08, 2021

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special All-Mailed Ballot Election will be held in Special Tax Zone 1 of the Northern Sonoma County Fire Protection District on May 4, 2021, and that the following measure will be submitted to the voters:

Measure _____
To reduce wildfire risk, preserve public safety and provide essential fire prevention services to our community, shall Northern Sonoma County Fire Protection District Ordinance No. 20/21-0127-02 be adopted, establishing a special tax, including $400 per occupied residential parcel, $400 per parcel with Commercial Recreational uses, and $50 per vacant parcel, with estimated annual revenue of $50,000, for an eight fiscal year period (2021/2022-2028/2029), with annual audits and funds being used exclusively for wildfire hazard reduction services benefitting Special Tax Zone 1?

NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that any written arguments for or against the measure to be submitted to the voters must be filed with the Office of the Registrar of Voters, 435 Fiscal Dr, Santa Rosa, CA 95403, no later than 5:00 p.m. on February 16, 2021.  Arguments must be accompanied by a Statement of Accuracy, available from the Registrar of Voters, signed and dated by the author(s).  Arguments shall not exceed 300 words.

NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that if an argument in favor of and an argument against the measures are submitted, copies will be mailed to the respective authors in order that they may submit a rebuttal argument.  Rebuttal arguments must also be accompanied by a Statement of Accuracy, signed and dated by the author(s).  The deadline for filing a rebuttal argument is 5:00 p.m. on February 19, 2021.  Rebuttal arguments shall not exceed 250 words.

Dated: February 4, 2021

SEAL                                                  Deva Marie Proto
                                                           Sonoma County Clerk
                                                           & Registrar of Voters

*Posted by law in an adjudicated newspaper