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Agricultural Division

Cannabis Zoning Permits from Agriculture, Weights & Measures

Sonoma County Cannabis Program 750

The Department of Agriculture/Weights & Measures (AWM) issues zoning permits. These zoning permits will only be issued for outdoor cultivation on parcels located in areas zoned for Agriculture.

The zoning districts include Land Intensive Agriculture (LIA), Land Extensive Agriculture (LEA), and Diversified Agriculture (DA) zoning designations.

Permit Types

There are three different types of outdoor cultivation that Agriculture, Weights & Measures will be issuing zoning permits for:

  1. Cottage Outdoor (25 Plants or less)
  2. Specialty (5,000 square feet or 50 plants or less)
  3. Small Outdoor (5,001 to 10,000 sq. ft.)

Each of these three permits will utilize the same application form. 

A complete Cannabis Cultivation Zoning Permit Application, along with all attachments, is required by the Department of Agriculture/Weights and Measures at the time of the intake appointment.  

To schedule an intake appointment, call the Department of Agriculture/Weights and Measures at (707) 565-2371.

Application and Checklist:  Cannabis Cultivation Zoning Permit Application (PDF: 379 kB)

NOTE: Some cultivation zoning permits are issued by the Department of Agriculture/Weights and Measures, while Permit Sonoma also issues cultivation zoning and usage permits. See Cultivation for more information.

Agriculture/Weights and Measures Cannabis Zoning Permit Application Fees

For current application fees, fee inclusions, and hourly at-cost rates, please go to

Permit Renewal

Renewal Application: Cannabis Cultivation Renewal Application

A complete application for renewal must be submitted 60 days prior to the expiration date of the current permit.

Applications for permit renewal may be administratively approved by the agency having jurisdiction provided there are no outstanding violations related to health, safety, land use, or tax.

For current application fees, fee inclusions, and hourly at-cost rates, please go to

Annual Cultivation Site Monitoring for Permit Sonoma Permitted Sites

For current site monitoring fees and hourly at-cost rates, please go to

Miscellaneous Fees

Fees for miscellaneous services including re-inspections and/or re-review of application and crop loss inspections are billed at staff hourly rate (¼ hour minimum).  For current hourly at-cost rates, please go to

Cultivation Inspection

The Department of Agriculture/Weights and Measures is responsible for inspecting all cultivation sites, whether the operator's permit is issued by Permit Sonoma or the Department of Agriculture/Weights and Measures.