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Auditor-Controller Treasurer-Tax Collector Department

Enterprise Financial System (EFS) Support Organization

New Requisition approval stage for capital purchases only

Published: August 02, 2018

Beginning Tuesday, August 7, 2018, a new approval stage will be added to requisitions for capital purchases only. The new approval stage is triggered when an Asset Management Business Unit, and related fields, are present on the requisition. If a requisition is not coded for Asset Management, the new approval stage will not be triggered.

This new approval stage allows the Asset Management process owners the ability to review Asset Management coding earlier in the process, ensuring that coding is correct on the Purchase Order and the Voucher. Approval (or denial) is expected to be completed by close of business the day the requisition is received in the Asset Management approval stage.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Andrea Cameron or Stacey Wilkbrooks.