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Probation Department

Pilot Welding Program Offers Opportunity for Youth in Sonoma County Juvenile Hall

Pilot Welding Program

Published: November 29, 2022

The Sonoma County Probation Department’s Juvenile Hall pilot Welding Program for youth in the Secure Youth Treatment Facility (SYTF) is off to a great start! The inaugural program was offered to two youth in Juvenile Hall who had to apply for acceptance into the program. Both youth successfully completed the program and were able to learn this high-demand trade, which is something that can translate into a successful career when they are released. The two youth demonstrated their learning by welding the metal to make stools that were showcased at a ceremony to celebrate their achievements on November 22, 2022. As evident by their heartfelt speeches, these youth were grateful for the program and confident in their ability to apply for entry level jobs where welding experience puts them at an advantage. Sonoma County’s own Probation Industries Crew Supervisor (PICS), Victor Gonzales, created this lesson plan for an 8-week mobile Metal Inert Gas (MIG) Welding Program. Victor is looking forward to offering this program again after the holidays and hopes to grow it into a full certification program in the future.