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Probation Department

Probation Staff Recently Participated in Two Community Events

Probation at SSU Fair

Published: March 29, 2023

Members of the Sonoma County Probation Department recently participated in two community events. The Sonoma State University Spring Career Fest on March 10, 2023 was a wonderful opportunity for staff to connect with local college students and share all of the exciting career paths offered throughout our department. We had a great time speaking to and answering questions from our local youth. Our team also hosted a booth at the Santa Rosa Fire Department’s 2nd Annual Women in Public Safety Day on March 18, 2023. The event was created to offer a space for women and interested people who want to learn about careers in public safety. The team felt very fortunate to meet and get to know some amazing community members and share the wonderful work and job opportunities available within our department.

Probation at event hosted by SRFD