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Sonoma Public Infrastructure

For Immediate Release

Public invited to share feedback at Penngrove traffic town hall meeting

SANTA ROSA, CA | April 24, 2023

Sonoma County Supervisor David Rabbitt is inviting the public to share their thoughts and concerns about traffic in Penngrove at a town hall meeting. The event will be in person but will include an option to watch the forum and share feedback online.

Supervisor Rabbitt, who represents District 2 including the Penngrove area, will be joined by county transportation officials from the Public Infrastructure Department as well as staff from GHD Consulting, which is conducting a Penngrove area traffic study. The county initiated the traffic study to identify potential improvements that address congestion, mobility, safety and regional growth.

“The county is committed to finding solutions that respond to community concerns about traffic and safety on roadways in and around Penngrove,” said Supervisor Rabbitt. “Community engagement is key to this process so that community members and stakeholders have an opportunity to share concerns, be informed and provide comments.”

What: Penngrove traffic town hall 
When: May 4, 5:30 p.m. 
Where: Penngrove Community Hall, 385 Woodward Ave., Penngrove or view online here

American Sign Language and Spanish translation will be available through the online webinar. For additional information on the traffic study and to submit comments online, please visit The comment period closes at the end of day on May 29.

Contact Information: 
Matt Brown, Communications Specialist
575 Administration Drive, Suite 104A
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
(707) 565-3040
