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Sonoma Public Infrastructure

For Immediate Release

Public meeting for Arnold Drive bike lane project scheduled for April 24

SANTA ROSA, CA | April 20, 2023

En español »

The County of Sonoma Department of Public Infrastructure will be hosting a virtual informational meeting on April 24 at 6:30 p.m. to mark the start of the engineering design and environmental phase of the Arnold Drive Bike Lane Project. 

The project will create a travel corridor along Arnold Drive between Madrone Road and Country Club Drive designed to enhance the ease of public roadway travel. The project will include five-foot bike lanes on both sides of the road, upgrades to signage and striping and improvements to stormwater drainage and culverts along the two-mile road segment. 

“As the County Supervisor for District 1, I have been an advocate for this project for a long time, and I am thrilled that it is finally moving forward,” said Sonoma County Supervisor Susan Gorin. “Projects that increase public safety while encouraging healthy lifestyles should be applauded, and the Arnold Drive Bike Lane Project does just that.”

The public meeting will be facilitated by staff and partners of the Sonoma County Department of Public Infrastructure and will feature an overview presentation of the project and a tentative timeline of the environmental review and proposed construction process. The virtual meeting will include live translation in Spanish. 

“The Arnold Drive Bike Lane project fulfills several of the department’s goals while creating a multi-use transportation corridor between Madrone Road and Country Club Drive,” said Cindy Rader, project manager for the Sonoma County Department of Public Infrastructure. “The project will enhance the ease of travel on this section of Arnold Drive for bicyclists, pedestrians and motor vehicles, while improving portions of the surrounding infrastructure.”  

More information on the Arnold Drive bike lane project is available at:

Members of the public may register to receive project updates by sending an email to:

Media Contact: 
Dan Virkstis
(707) 565-3040
575 Administration Drive, Suite 104A
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
