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Roads Maintenance Update 11-23-15

Published: November 23, 2015

Beginning Tuesday this week, all road crews will return to our winter 5 day/8 hour work schedule. Road yards will be open Monday through Friday, from 7 am to 3:30 pm.

The Annapolis road yard will remain closed until removal of the Asti summer crossing is completed, as staff from that yard assists with the annual removal. All road yards will be closed this Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday.   

This week, crews will be removing the seasonal Asti summer crossing on Washington School Road. In addition, the Odd Fellow summer crossing at Korbel will close tomorrow (Tuesday) as the Bridge crew will remove the bridge plates and railing for the season.

Traffic crews will be applying striping and pavement marking on Agua Caliente Rd this week, weather permitting. Rain is in the forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday which would postpone this work.

The Culvert crew will be shoring up work in advance of rain and installing erosion controls on Mountain Ave in Sonoma. Culvert replacement work will resume once dry weather is in the forecast.

Road maintenance crews will be patching potholes and running mowers this week. Cal Fire has crews scheduled to assist with roadside brush removal along Riebli Road and Valley Ford Road on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Happy Thanksgiving!