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County Administrator's Office

For Immediate Release

Sonoma County to Host Virtual Town Hall on Coronavirus

Tune into local radio, TV, or Livestream stations on Wednesday, March 11, 2020 from 7-8:00pm

Santa Rosa,CA | March 10, 2020

Sonoma County will host a Virtual Town Hall to share information about Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, from 7:00pm – 8:00 pm on several local radio and TV stations, and livestreamed online. Supervisor Gorin (Chair, Sonoma County Board of Supervisors), Chris Godley (Director, Sonoma County Emergency Management), and Dr. Sundari Mase (Sonoma County Interim Public Health Officer) will present information and answer questions in a one hour live news special.

Programming will air on 91.1 and 90.9 FM radio and KRCB Channel 22 as well as KPJK Channel 60. For Spanish speakers and community members who are unable to make the program, it will be recorded and posted online with close captioning and Spanish subtitles following the broadcast. The program will also stream live on and KRCB’s Facebook page.

“We are making information accessible to people who may not want to go out to large social gatherings right now due to concerns of coronavirus spread,” said Board of Supervisors Chair Susan Gorin. “People who are at high risk of infection, such as those who are older than 60, people with weakened immune systems, pregnant women, or individuals with underlying health conditions, such as heart or lung disease, should take extra precautions such as avoiding big crowds during this time. Bringing a town hall right to the radio, TV, and computers of our residents is a great way to share important community information while keeping our most vulnerable neighbors safe.”

Community members are invited to submit questions prior to broadcast by emailing,

Official information on the coronavirus can be found at For additional questions, call 2-1-1 to reach the 2-1-1 Sonoma Information & Resource Hotline.
