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County Administrator's Office

The 25th Annual Day of Caring

Published: August 27, 2015

25th Day of Caring AnniversaryThe 25th Annual Day of Caring is just two weeks away and you still have time to prepare bags or boxes full of donations to bring to the Day of Caring on Wednesday, September 9, 2015.

Help us by gathering donations of the following itemseither as a department, division, unit, or individually and bring them to Day of Caring (in front of the County Administration Building), or schedule a pick-up for your donations on Wednesday, September 9, 2015 (between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.):

  • Clothing, purses, shoes and related items – Goodwill truck will be onsite.
  • Non-perishable food items – Redwood Empire Food Bank truck will be on site.
  • Children’s books – Sonoma County Free Bookmobile will be onsite.

So, go through your closets, cupboards, or books collecting dust; also, check with your family, friends, and neighbors for donations. Let’s try to make an impact through our giving!

If your office would like to schedule a pick-up on Day of Caring (9/9), please contact Sylvia Lemus at (707) 565-1702 or