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Weekly roundup for April 12, 2024

Published: April 12, 2024

Today’s digest provides helpful and important updates on the following:

  1. Latest edition of SoCo Correspondent available now
  2. Civil Grand Jury applications due April 29
  3. April is earthquake preparedness month
  4. Free electronics recycling event this weekend

Latest edition of SoCo Correspondent now available

The latest issue of SoCo Correspondent, Sonoma County’s digital newsletter, is now available.

Highlights include:

  • Site selected for memorial to victims of 2017 wildfires
  • County creates radio system to bolster emergency response in rural areas
  • Design work to commence on community plaza in Geyserville
  • Brace yourself: Sonoma County’s Spring Shake Out is coming April 18
  • And more

To read the new issue and subscribe, please visit:

Plus, did you know that Sonoma County offers more than 20 different newsletters from Sonoma County supervisors and departments? Stay informed and up to date by visiting:

Civil Grand Jury applications due April 29

The Sonoma County Civil Grand Jury is an independent institution that examines all aspects of county, special districts and city governments to ensure they are serving the best interests of all residents.

Applications are now open for this critical "watchdog" role with a deadline of Monday, April 29. Prospective jurors will be interviewed and nominated by Sonoma County Superior Court judges.

For more information, including how to apply, please visit:

April is Earthquake Preparedness Month

We know we live in a place where an earthquake can happen at any time.

Since April is Earthquake Preparedness Month, it’s a good opportunity to take critical readiness steps before the ground starts to shake: 

  • Download the MyShake app to receive alerts before you feel shaking:  
  • Join the Sonoma County Shake Out on Thursday, April 18 at 10 a.m. to practice: Drop, Cover, Hold On.
  • Secure bookcases, televisions and objects that hang on walls.
  • Store heavy and breakable objects on low shelves.
  • Create a family emergency communications plan that has an out-of-county contact AND plan where to meet if you get separated. Choose a location close to home and one at a central location based on where your family works, goes to school and plays.
  • Have a home emergency kit with everything you need for at least seven days.

For additional earthquake preparedness tips, visit:

To register for the Sonoma County Shake Out on April 18, visit:

Free electronics recycling events this weekend

Zero Waste Sonoma and Conservation Corps North Bay invite the public to bring eligible electronic devices to a free recycling event on Saturday and Sunday, April 13-14, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Monte Rio Community Center, 20488 Highway 116. No appointment is necessary.

Accepted items include cellphones, tablets, computers, laptops, printers, stereos, TVs, video game consoles and more. Appliances, batteries, lamps and lightbulbs are not accepted.

For more information, please visit:

Latest news from County of Sonoma

Sonoma County residents encouraged to participate in Shake Out earthquake drill on April 18

View a list of current and upcoming job opportunities with the County of Sonoma

Want to read more about what we’re up to at the County of Sonoma?

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