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County Administrator's Office

Weekly Roundup for April 5, 2024

Published: April 05, 2024

Today’s digest provides helpful and important updates on the following:

  1. Seasonal free woodchipper program is now open
  2. Sheriff’s Office host Bodega Bay town hall on May 2
  3. State Hwy. 12 weekend traffic advisory
  4. Public input needed by April 30 for climate action plan
  5. Other Sonoma County news of note

Sonoma County free woodchipper progam is now open

The Sonoma County Wood Chipper Program season is now open is support of vegetation management for residents and firefighters.

In the event of a wildfire, having 100 feet or more of defensible space has been clearly demonstrated to help save homes. Likewise, thinning vegetation on access roads can make it safer during evacuations.

Free chipper services can help residents dispose of woody debris and assist them in creating beautiful, healthy and “firewise” landscapes around homes and on roadsides.

Learn more at

Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office Bodega Bay town hall May 2

The Sonoma County Sheriff's office will host a Town Hall on Thursday, May 2 from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. at the Bodega Bay Grange Hall, 1370 Bodega Bay Ave.

Join this open house for a quick update from Sheriff Engram, with an opportunity to chat with team members, ask questions and share your feedback.

Learn more at:

Caltrans Hwy. 12 weekend traffic advisory

Please be aware of upcoming changes on westbound Highway 12 this weekend starting at 8 p.m. on Friday, April 5 through 5 a.m. on Monday, April 8. Eastbound SR-12 remains unaffected.

To expedite pavement replacement, prepare for full and partial closures as follows:

  • Nighttime from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m.: Full closure from downtown S. “E” St. exit to Dutton Ave. Detours will be in place for westbound SR-12 to US-101 connections.
  • Daytime from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.: One lane will remain open but anticipate delays between Farmers Lane and Dutton Ave.

For more information including detour maps, please visit:

Public input needed for climate action plan

What should the county prioritize as it develops a comprehensive plan to address climate change? The public is invited to help shape the county’s response.

Please consider taking a short online survey by April 30 to shape the county’s Climate Resilience Comprehensive Action Plan, which will help the county prepare for climate-related disruptions and recover from their impacts.

Share your priorities and ideas on the challenges and opportunities for initiatives that could improve the county’s response to floods, wildfires, droughts, power outages, sea-level rise and other impacts of climate change.

Take the climate survey at:

Other Sonoma County news of note

Sonoma County seeks public input on proposed update to Cannabis Ordinance