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County Administrator's Office

Weekly Roundup for June 16, 2023

Published: June 16, 2023

Today’s digest provides helpful and important updates on the following:

  1. Latest edition of SoCo Correspondent now available
  2. Fire Conservation Conference June 23
  3. Solar panels, electronics recycling events in June
  4. Other Sonoma County news of note

Latest edition of SoCo Correspondent now available

The latest issue of SoCo Correspondent, Sonoma County’s digital newsletter is now available.

Highlights include:

  • Sonoma County homelessness declines 22 percent
  • Summer road projects announced
  • Coastal summit explores reintroducing sea otters
  • Shuttle to Russian River beaches underway
  • Memorial service for those who died without family or means

To read the newsletter, including instructions on how to become a subscriber, visit:

Want help managing your forestland?

Sonoma County Ag + Open Space is calling all forest landowners and managers to join the 2023 Living with Fire: Fire Conservation Conference on Friday, June 23 from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Saturday, June 24 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the SRJC Shone Farm in Forestville.

Learn more and register today at:

Solar panel, electronics recycling events upcoming

Only 10 percent of the nation’s solar energy panels are currently recycled. Zero Waste Sonoma wants to change that.

On June 16, Zero Waste Sonoma will join the Conservation Corps North Bay and CalRecycle to host the county’s first residential solar panel collection event at Luther Burbank Center for the Arts. Residents may bring up to 40 panels for recycling. An appointment is required.

Register at:

Do your part and learn more today at

Plus, Zero Waste Sonoma is also hosting a free electronics (E-Waste) recycling event Friday through Sunday, June 16-18, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

In partnership with the Mattress Recycling Council, free mattress recycling will also be available on Saturday only, June 17 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Both events will be at the Luther Burbank Center at 50 Mark West Springs Rd. in Santa Rosa. No appointment is necessary for this event. The event will be held in the parking lot.

Event Websites:

Other Sonoma County news of note

Santa Rosa Man Convicted of Murder Sentenced to Maximum Sentence

Supervisors approve sidewalk and lighting improvements in downtown Guerneville

Board of Supervisors approves another $3 million in grants for vegetation management projects

Supervisors approve extreme weather response plan, commit to developing partnerships with local groups

District Attorney Announces $85,500 Settlement with Taco Bell Over Gift Card Violations

Board of Supervisors boosts funding for county’s pavement preservation program

Sonoma County Supervisors award $3 million for homelessness solutions