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County Administrator's Office

Weekly Roundup for June 2, 2023

Published: June 02, 2023

Today’s digest provides helpful and important updates on the following:

  1. Summer 2023 Woodchipper Program now open for applications
  2. New program to save money on annual sewer service
  3. Evacuation exercise planned for June 11
  4. Other Sonoma County news of note

Summer 2023 Woodchipper Program underway

The 2023 Woodchipper Program season is now open. This program is intended to help residents create defensible space around occupied homes and reduce vegetation along access routes.

Application submissions are received on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Check the program guidelines first before applying at:

For more information, read the press release here:

Sanitation savings available to eligible households, non-profits

Discounts on sewer service bills are available to low-income homeowners and nonprofit organizations that provide housing to low-income renters. Qualified households can cut the sewage charge on their annual property tax bill in half.

Applicants must live in one of the eight sanitation districts/zones operated by Sonoma Water, including:

  • Occidental County Sanitation District
  • Russian River County Sanitation District
  • Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District
  • South Park County Sanitation District
  • Airport/Larkfield/Wikiup Sanitation Zone
  • Geyserville Sanitation Zone
  • Penngrove Sanitation Zone
  • Sea Ranch Sanitation Zone

Applications are due July 10. Learn more and apply: 

Mark West evacuation exercise scheduled June 11

There will be an evacuation exercise in the upper Mark West watershed area on Sunday, June 11 at 9 a.m.  This includes Upper Mark West Springs area along St. Helena and Calistoga Road from the Napa border in the East, Petrified Forest Road in the north and Harville Road in the South.

Residents who live in the area and want to participate should sign up for the exercise at:

The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize residents with local designated routes for evacuation; safely practice evacuating residents using those routes; exercise our SoCo Alert system to notify participating residents and facilitate residents to register for the County’s alerting system.

Learn more at:

Read the press release here:

Other Sonoma County news of note

Victims Speak Out as Santa Rosa Child Molester Sentenced to Life in Prison

Sonoma County to hold first-ever memorial service for 500 unclaimed people buried without a funeral

State approves Sonoma Water’s Request for Temporary Changes in Russian River Flows

Concord Man Convicted for 2019 Petaluma Outlets Murder

SMART launches on demand microtransit shuttle connecting the train to the Sonoma County Airport