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County Administrator's Office

Weekly Roundup for June 23, 2023

Published: June 23, 2023

Today’s digest provides helpful and important news on the following:

  1. Latest edition of SoCo Correspondent now available
  2. Prescribed burning along Highway 12 in Sonoma Valley June 23-26
  3. SMART launches shuttle service between airport rail station and Sonoma County Airport
  4. Other Sonoma County news of note

Latest edition of SoCo Correspondent now available

The latest issue of SoCo Correspondent, Sonoma County’s digital newsletter is now available.

Highlights include:

  • Sonoma County homelessness declines 22 percent
  • Summer road projects announced
  • Coastal summit explores reintroducing sea otters
  • Shuttle to Russian River beaches underway
  • Memorial service for those who died without family or means

To read the newsletter, including instructions on how to become a subscriber, visit:

Prescribed burning along highway 12 in Sonoma Valley June 23-26

Prescribed burning is planned at Bouverie Preserve and Glen Oaks Ranch Preserve in Glen Ellen June 23-26 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Residents and travelers in the Sonoma Valley may experience smoky conditions near the properties, which include frontage along Highway 12. 

Please note that these are permitted burn events. You should NOT call 911. Also be aware that prescribed burns are subject to change based on weather conditions.

SMART launches shuttle service between airport rail station and Sonoma County Airport

Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit is launching SMART Connect, an on-demand shuttle designed to provide first and last-mile service between the SMART station on Airport Boulevard and the Charles M. Schulz-Sonoma County Airport and the surrounding business corridor. SMART Connect allows air travelers to arrive and depart by train and enables commuters and local residents to travel to work and other destinations in the surrounding area.

Learn more at

Other Sonoma County news of note

Santa Rosa man sentenced to serve 16 years in state prison for DUI and causing injury to multiple victims

District Attorney’s Office Participates in Unlicensed Contractor Sting

Santa Rosa man sentenced to life in prison for 2021 murder and attempted murder

Prescribed burn operations planned at Shiloh Ranch Regional Park

Board of Supervisors adopts Fiscal Year 2023-24 budget

County of Sonoma awarded $4.6 million in state funding to assist with homeless encampments

Purple flags on display in Sonoma County serve as reminder of need for protecting elders from abuse