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County Administrator's Office

Weekly Roundup for June 30, 2023

Published: June 30, 2023

Today’s digest provides helpful and important updates on the following:

  1. Heat advisory in effect, burn permits suspended
  2. Medi-Cal renewal support & CalFresh Market Match
  3. Launch your career in local government
  4. Other Sonoma County news of note

Practice heat safety tips this weekend, burn permits suspended

The National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory this weekend from 11 a.m. today, June 30, to 11 p.m. on Sunday, July 2, with temperatures ranging from the low 90s to near 105 degrees.

Please remember to practice heat safety wherever you are. Heat related deaths are preventable so protect yourself and others from the impacts of hot weather.

  • Job Sites: Stay hydrated and take breaks in the shade as often as possible.
  • Indoors: Check on the elderly, sick and those without AC.
  • Vehicles: Never leave kids or pets unattended – look before you lock.
  • Outdoors: Limit strenuous outdoor activities, find shade, and stay hydrated.

To learn more, visit:

Also, please be aware that Cal Fire is suspending burn permits for outdoor residential burning in Sonoma County, effective Monday, July 3.

Learn more about wildfire readiness:

Medi-cal renewal support & CALFresh market match

If you receive a Medi-Cal renewal form in the mail, it means the county needs more information so that you can continue to receive free or low-cost medical and dental services.

For more information, please visit: 

Watch a helpful how-to video at:

Plus, if you have a CalFresh EBT card, you can now double your spending power at the Farmers Market with Market Match, a healthy food incentive program that matches CalFresh nutrition assistance benefits at farmers’ markets and other farm-direct sites.

Learn more at:

To find a participating market near you, check out:

To apply for CalFresh, please visit:

Launch your career in local government

Looking for a career opportunity with the County of Sonoma?

Here are several of the listings this week:

For more information, please visit: or call (707) 565-2331.

Also, there are several opportunities to get involved with Sonoma County government by serving on local boards, commissions and committees.

Currently, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors is seeking community members to fill vacant positions on the Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Advisory Board.

To apply or learn more, visit:

For more information about Maternal Child and Adolescent Health, please visit:

Other Sonoma County news of note

Meet Rudy: Rudy works for the Department of Agriculture, Weights & Measures as a Weights & Measures Inspector II.

Influencer Sentenced to Jail for Knowingly Making a False Report of Attempted Kidnap

Summer swimming opens at Healdsburg Veterans Memorial Beach

Registrar of Voters announces virtual public meetings on Election Administration Plan

State budget includes funding for key Sonoma County priority projects

Sonoma County to receive $29.5 million in state grants for behavioral health and homelessness services

County-funded program announces 282 youth, people with mental illness prevented from becoming homeless