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County Administrator's Office

Weekly Roundup for October 13, 2023

Published: October 13, 2023

Today’s digest provides helpful and important updates on the following:

  1. Public forum on area homelessness scheduled Oct. 18
  2. Hire the Homeless Job Link event Oct. 25
  3. Get involved with local government by joining a board or commission
  4. Other Sonoma County news of note

Online public forum on community homelessness October 18

The public is invited to participate in an online public forum on homelessness on Wednesday, Oct. 18 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

The forum will begin with a brief presentation on the state of homelessness in Sonoma County, followed by an “open forum” style Q&A session. It will feature Michael Gause, Ending Homelessness Program Manager for the Sonoma County Department of Health Services, and Dennis Pocekay, Continuum of Care Board Chair and Petaluma City Council Member.

This is an opportunity to “ask us anything” and to learn more about homelessness strategies, successes, and challenges.

Please join by visiting:

Hire the Homeless Job Link event October 25

Sonoma County Job Link will host a free informational lunch on Oct. 25 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Sonoma County Job Link, 2227 Capricorn Way, Suite 100 in Santa Rosa, to educate local employers on ways the county supports local businesses that hire individuals who are homeless.

A panel of experts will discuss the benefits of inclusive hiring practices, including incentives available for local employers, and answer questions about their experiences hiring homeless people through the county’s Job Link program.

To RSVP for the free lunch or to get more information, please call (707) 565-2381 or email

More information about Job Link is available at:

Board, commission, committee & task force vacancies

Sonoma County is inviting residents to take part in how it is governed by serving on a board, commission, committee or task force. It’s a great way to learn about local services and make a difference in our community.

Residents bring a broad range of ideas and expertise and are a critical component for the public decision-making of elected officials and governmental staff.

Be part of the solution by applying for one of the current openings, such as:

For a full list of vacancies and information about the application process, please visit:

Other Sonoma County news of note

Sonoma County Behavioral Health to host job fair November 9

Free holiday parking at Regional Parks for veterans and active-duty military

Sonoma County websites earn accolades from National Association of Government Web Professionals