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Human Resources Department

Deputy Sheriff's Law Enforcement Management Unit (DSLEM)

2023 - 2026 DSLEM Memorandum of Understanding:   Article 7: Hours of Work


Employees in this Bargaining Unit shall work any and all hours necessary in the performance of their duties without regard to fixed schedules or set hours of work.

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Under no circumstances will employees in this Bargaining Unit receive compensation for overtime worked. Nor, shall employees be eligible to receive or accumulate compensatory time except as may be directly provided for in this Memorandum of Understanding.

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7.3 Compensatory Time

Represented employees may accrue up to a maximum of 200 hours of compensatory time off.  Effective the first full pay period following adoption of the MOU by the Board of Supervisors Employee’s with compensatory time balances shall make an irrevocable choice whether to be compensated in cash or in one of two compensatory time banks for each day overtime is earned. The option referred to as bank one will be for compensatory time hours that can be cashed out throughout the year and will have a mandatory cash out at year end to be tax compliant. Bank one shall have a cap of 120 hours. The option referred to as bank two can be used to accrue hours that may only be used for time off or cashed out upon separation of employment only. Bank two shall have a cap of 80 hours. When compensatory time banks are full, the department will compensate the employee in cash for any additional overtime worked.

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