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Human Resources Department

Occupational Safety & Health Unit

Hazard Reporting

Shoe poised to step on yellow banana peel

Informal Process

The goal for departments is to address a reported hazard as soon as allowably possible, and protect staff from exposure while a mitigation plan is put in place. As such, most safety hazards are reported informally to their direct supervisor through verbal, written, or electronic communication. It is recommended that all concerns be routed through the immediate supervisor or manager responsible.  In the event of an emergency requiring medical, fire or law enforcement, an employee should call 911.

The success of Sonoma County Health and Safety Programs for all staff and visitors rely upon the active involvement of employees to report all safety hazards.

Employees who elect to formally report an apparent safety hazard, should complete the Employee Hazard Report form (PDF: 205 kB) and forward it to their supervisor.  Employees are encouraged to include their name on the form in order to clarify the concern when necessary, participate in the development of a solution, and receive a written response.  An employee who wishes to remain anonymous may omit their name from the hazard report form or contact their employee representative who may submit an Employee Hazard Report (PDF: 205 kB) on their behalf. 

An employee who wants to discuss an apparent safety hazard, is searching for information on a safety issue, or is reluctant to submit a hazard report to their supervisor directly, may contact their Department Safety Coordinator.  In addition, employees may directly contact the Risk Management, Occupational Safety and Health Unit for information or guidance.

County recognized employee organizations may also submit the Employee Hazard Report and/or the Employee Hazard Report Appeal (PDF: 117 kB) on behalf of an employee or group of employees.

Departments shall follow the hazard report distribution and record keeping process as defined in the applicable department Injury and Illness Prevention Program.

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