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Human Resources Department

Occupational Safety & Health Unit

Fire Prevention Plan

Photo of Red Fire Extinguishers

OSHA requires organizations to have a Fire Prevention Plan in certain situations that works in conjunction with an organization's Emergency Action Plan. Its purpose is to identify hazards in the workplace that could potentially cause a fire and define a procedure to prevent an incident. An example would be the proper storage, dispensing, use, and training in relation to the safe handling of flammable chemicals. Depending on the type of hazards that are identified, there may be other OSHA standards and regulations that are relevant.

Fire Prevention Plans are location specific and developed by each department or agency within the county.

To get more information on the applicability of this program for a specific County operation please contact the corresponding departmental Safety Coordinator.

For further information on specific regulatory guidelines please refer to the link(s) below.

Cal-OSHA Fire Prevention Plan Regulations

Fire Prevention Plan e-Tool