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Human Resources Department

Workforce Development

Build Your Resilience: Get Stronger at Being Strong

re·sil·ience  /rəˈzilyəns/noun     1.the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness

Published: August 21, 2018

Why do some people ‘bounce back’ from adversity quickly and purposely while others have a more difficult time?  Your personal adversity may come in many guises: a change with your job, a personal or family crisis, or recovering from the loss of your home or neighborhood. Some of us may even experience other’s adversity as our own.

As we mark the one year anniversary of the October fires, Workforce Development invites you to learn how to strengthen your resilience in this ½ day workshop. Whatever your own adversity may be, Carrie Hays has created an interactive workshop that will give you tools to fortify your resilience.

You will:
• Understand what resilience is.
• Learn how the brain responds to stress and what it takes to strengthen mental resources. 
• Learn about and practice strategies to build and sustain resilience. 
• Identify at least one habit to implement.
• Have fun - which builds resilience!

Thursday, September 20th, 8:30 am to 12 noon
Tuesday, October 16th, 1:00 to 4:30 pm

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