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Community Development Commission

Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds

Published: June 07, 2024

On or about June 17, 2024, the Sonoma County Community Development Commission will submit a request to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the release of $392,000 in Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants funds as authorized by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Title I, Public Law 93-383, 88 Stat. 633, 42 U.S.C. 5301-5321, as amended, to undertake a project known as 1st Street ADA Improvement project for the purpose of making improvements in the public right-of-way for accessibility.

The 1st Street ADA Sidewalk project will eliminate barriers to accessibility for disabled persons in the City of Cloverdale, California by constructing 400 feet of accessible pathway along East 1st Street. The project area is 0.4 acres. Existing conditions are an unpaved path in the city right-of way. First Street is a thoroughfare for pedestrians in route to schools, parks, and downtown. Improvements will remove barriers, such as missing sidewalk, non-compliant curb ramps and driveway cuts, trees and trip hazards by installing ADA-compliant sidewalk, curb ramps, and driveway cuts, crosswalk striping, and adjusting meter boxes and vault covers to grade. The new sidewalk will require a maximum depth of disturbance of 18- inches and an area of disturbance of approximately 3,000 square feet. Other activities as described in the environmental review record.

The total project cost is estimated to be $755,000.

The activities proposed are categorically excluded subject to section 58.5 under HUD regulations at 24 CFR Part 58 from National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements. An Environmental Review Record (ERR) that documents the environmental determinations for this project is available online at HUD’s website, using the following URL:

Public Comments

Any individual, group, or agency may submit written comments on the ERR to Veronica Ortiz-De Anda, Sonoma County Community Development Commission, 1440 Guerneville Road, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 or by email to Veronica Ortiz-De Anda All comments received on or before June 14, 2024, will be considered by the Sonoma County Community Development Commission prior to authorizing submission of a request for release of funds.

Environmental Certification

The Sonoma County Community Development Commission certifies to U.S. HUD that Michelle Whitman, in her capacity as Executive Director, consents to accept the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts if an action is brought to enforce responsibilities in relation to the environmental review process and that these responsibilities have been satisfied. U.S. HUD’s approval of the certification satisfies its responsibilities under NEPA and related laws and authorities and allows the Sonoma County Community Development Commission to use Program funds.

Objections to Release of Funds

U.S. HUD will accept objections to its release of funds and the Sonoma County Community Development Commission’s certification for a period of fifteen days following the anticipated submission date or its actual receipt of the request (whichever is later) only if they are on one of the following bases: (a) the certification was not executed by the Certifying Officer of the Sonoma County Community Development Commission; (b) the Sonoma County Community Development Commission has omitted a step or failed to make a decision or finding required by HUD regulations at 24 CFR part 58; (c) the grant recipient or other participants in the development process have committed funds, incurred costs or undertaken activities not authorized by 24 CFR Part 58 before approval of a release of funds by U.S. HUD; or (d) another Federal agency acting pursuant to 40 CFR Part 1504 has submitted a written finding that the project is unsatisfactory from the standpoint of environmental quality. Objections must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the required procedures (24 CFR Part 58, Sec. 58.76) and shall be addressed to the Office of Community Planning and Development, U.S. HUD Region IX, One Sansome Street, Suite 1200, San Francisco, CA 94104 or via email to . Potential objectors should contact HUD to verify the actual last day of the objection period.

Michelle Whitman, Executive Director
Sonoma County Community Development Commission
Responsible Entity