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Human Resources Department

Civil Service Commission

Rule 12 - Leaves of Absence

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Section 12.1 - Leave without Pay

  1. General Provisions
    1. Department heads may grant leaves without pay, for periods not to exceed six months, at the request of the employee concerned, to employees of their departments because of illness, disability, pregnancy, child rearing, or for educational purposes; or for any other reasons the appointing authority deems as appropriate.
    2. Requests for leaves without pay for periods in excess of six months shall be submitted by the department head, together with a written recommendation, to the Human Resources Director for approval or disapproval.
    3. An employee with permanent civil service status may appeal the denial by their department head or the Human Resources Director of their request for leave without pay. Such appeal shall be made in writing and submitted to the Civil Service Commission within five regular County business days after the employee is notified of the denial, and shall specify the reason for the leave. Any appeal of a denial of leave without pay for medical reasons shall be accompanied by a statement signed by competent medical authority, setting forth the employee's ability to perform the duties of their position and a prognosis of the employee's ability at the termination of the requested leave.
  2. Leave Without Pay for Job-Incurred Disability
    Requests for leave without pay for disabilities which are found by the State Worker's Compensation Appeal Board or the Industrial Accident Commission to be incurred as a result of Sonoma County employment shall be approved by department heads and the County Human Resources Director for the period following expiration of paid sick leave and vacation until discontinuation of disability compensation payments.
  3. Leave Without Pay for Military Service
    Requests for leaves without pay for military service shall be approved by the appointing authority.
  4. Leave for Candidates for Public Office
    Any appointive County officer or employee, who becomes a bona fide candidate for elective public office, may take and be granted leave of absence without pay during all or any portion of the period of their candidacy by delivering to their department head and to the Civil Service Commission at least ten (10) regular County business days' written notice of intention so to do, specifying the dates upon which such leave shall begin and end.  Such officer or employee may, by further ten (10) regular County business days' written notice delivered to their department head and to the Civil Service Commission change the date upon which such leave shall end.  Such leave shall not extend beyond the period of time during which such officer or employee is a bona fide candidate for elective public office.

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Section 12.2 - Leave With Pay

  1. An appointing authority may, with approval of the Human Resources Director, authorize up to ten (10) working days leave with pay to an employee when such appointing authority has reason to believe that the safety of the work place requires such ordered leave.
  2. An appointing authority may, with approval of the Human Resources Director, authorize up to twenty-five (25) working days leave with pay to an employee when such appointing authority has reason to believe that the employee's physical or emotional health requires professional medical or psychological evaluation to determine the employee's fitness to continue their assigned duties.

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Section 12.3 - Return to Work after Illness or Disability

When an employee is absent due to illness or disability, the appointing authority may require that the employee pass a medical examination by a County Physician prior to their return to work. Failure to pass such examination shall result, after expiration of the employee's accumulated sick leave, in further leave with pay; leave without pay; and/or separation of the employee, as may be authorized in accordance with these rules.

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