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Human Resources Department

Civil Service Commission

Rule 4 - Announcements and Applications

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Section 4.1 - Announcements

  1. The Human Resources Director shall make a public announcement of each class for which a request for examination to fill permanently allocated positions is anticipated. Such announcement shall be made public, in appropriate locations, for a minimum of five working days.
  2. For each such class, the Human Resources Director shall prepare and distribute a written bulletin, which shall include the following information:
    1. the class title, or class title and working title;
    2. the salary range;
    3. the final filing date, and method of filing applications to comply with such date;
    4. the location(s) at which applications may be filed;
    5. a statement that reference information from prior employers and other background information obtained on a confidential basis will not be made available to applicants;
    6. the minimum qualifications;
    7. a summary of typical duties of the class;
    8. the selection process to include the minimum passing scores, and the weights assigned to different tests;
    9. such other information which may help prospective applicants to understand the nature of the employment and the procedure necessary to participate in the competition.

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Section 4.2 - Applications

  1. Application Forms
    1. The Human Resources Director shall prescribe official application forms to be completed by each applicant for Sonoma County employment. Each completed application form and attachments shall be treated as a confidential record of the Civil Service Commission and shall not, under any circumstances, be returned to the applicant.
    2. An outline of the applicant's employment history and relevant personal data shall be included on the application form completed by each applicant for all examinations.
  2. Filing Period

    All applications shall be filed at the location shown on the official employment application form in the manner prescribed by the examination announcement. Applications may be accepted on a continuous filing basis when so announced, and shall be subject to appropriate cut-off dates determined by the Human Resources Director.

  3. General Qualifications

    The following qualifications shall be met by each candidate for employment with the County of Sonoma.

    1. Each candidate shall comply with citizenship qualifications specified by law.
    2. Each candidate shall meet any minimum qualifications established and announced for the class.
    3. Each candidate shall possess the skills, knowledge, abilities, and other qualifications necessary to perform the duties of the class.

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Section 4.3 - Disqualification

  1. Reasons for Disqualification

    The Human Resources Director may refuse to examine an applicant or after examination may disqualify a candidate, or remove a candidate's name from the employment list, or refuse to certify a candidate for any of the following reasons and shall promptly mail a notice of disqualification to such applicant and/or candidate.

    1. If the applicant/candidate fails to comply with the requirements set forth in the examination announcement or violates any written or oral instructions given by the examination proctor.
    2. If applicant/candidate is found medically unqualified to perform the duties of the class.
    3. If applicant/candidate has made a false statement of material fact or has practiced or attempted any deception, fraud or misconduct in connection with their application or any part of the examining process.
    4. An applicant, and/or candidate, may be disqualified for reasons of public safety as provided for in State laws and regulations.
    5. If applicant/candidate has used or attempted to use political pressure or bribery to secure an advantage in an examination or appointment.
    6. If applicant/candidate is found to be ineligible to compete in or to be certified from a promotional examination.
    7. If applicant/candidate was terminated from County service for cause or during the probationary period in the same classification during the previous twelve (12) months. (Appeal of termination to the Civil Service Commission shall stay this provision until a final action by the Commission.)
  2. Appeal of Disqualification

    Whenever an individual is disqualified for any of the reasons provided in this section, the individual may appeal in writing to the Human Resources Director. Any such appeal shall contain the reasons why the individual believes the appeal should be granted. It shall be delivered or postmarked not later than seven regular County business days after mailing their notice of disqualification. The Director shall investigate the facts involved, and shall grant or deny the appeal, and so inform the individual in writing not later than seven regular County business days after it is filed. If the appeal is denied, the individual may further appeal in writing to the Civil Service Commission not later than seven regular County business days thereafter. The Commission shall hear the facts involved and shall grant or deny the appeal not later than one month after it is filed with the Commission.

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Section 4.4 - Qualifications for Veterans Preference

In order to qualify for Veteran’s Preference credit of five points, a person shall:

  1. Demonstrate eligibility for veteran’s preferences by:
    1. having (1) served in the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, or Coast Guard in time of war, in any expedition of the Armed Forces of the United States, or having been on continuous active duty for more than 180 days, and (2) having received a discharge or release from active duty under honorable conditions; or
    2. being a disabled veteran; and
  2. have competed in an open recruitment/examination process;
  3. have submitted acceptable documentary evidence demonstrating eligibility prior to the final filing date of the recruitment period, unless having already received confirmation from the County of Sonoma Human Resources Department of having documentary evidence on file; and
  4. have achieved a minimum passing final examination score and being eligible for placement on the employment list.

Persons who meet the requirements as stated above will receive five additional points to the final examination score and will be certified in accordance with Rule 6.4 A (2) and 7.2 A.  Veteran’s Preference points shall not be received by candidates in an examination which is limited to employees of the County of Sonoma. (revised 7/1/10)

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