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Department of Health Services

Emergency Medical Services Ordinance Updated

Published: November 08, 2019

On November 5, 2019 The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors received proposed revisions to the Sonoma County Code Chapter 28, Emergency and Pre Hospital Care brought forward by the Sonoma county Department of Health Services.

The ordinance updates current Code last revised in 1999 with a comprehensive set of changes. The revision addresses the permitting process for all levels of ambulance services operating within the County and provides direction to the Department of Health Services regarding local policy development, data collection and use, ambulance service provider zones and local jurisdictional rights and responsibilities relative to the provision of ambulance services.

The Department’s goal is to ensure the safe, effective delivery of quality emergency medical services (EMS) care throughout the County. The ordinance development process was a collaborative effort beginning in February 2018 with participation from public and private sector service provider organizations including the Cities and Special Districts providing EMS response around the County. Participation also included public and private labor organizations, hospital partners and EMS educators.

The collaborative approach yielded a consensus revision that passed on a unanimous vote with a final reading scheduled for November 12, 2019. If passed the Department’s Coastal Valleys EMS Agency staff will work with partners over the next 12 months to implement the changes outlined in the revised Code.

Emergency Medical Services Ordinance(PDF: 678 kB)