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Are There Differences in Premature Death Rates by Sex?


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Read Next in Sonoma County Summary Measures of Health 2015-2017:
Do Premature Death Rates Vary by Race/Ethnicity?

In 2015-2017, Sonoma County men had a significantly higher overall premature death rate than women (5760.2 YPLL-75 per 100,000 compared to 3212.2 YPLL-75 per 100,000).  Compared to women, men had significantly higher premature death rates for all leading causes of premature death except cancer (Figure 7). The premature death rate due to heart disease was more than three times as high for men (762.2.3 YPLL-75 per 100,000) than for women (233.6 YPLL-75 per 100,000). Premature death rates due to unintentional injury, heart disease, suicide, and diabetes were also more than twice as high for men than women (Appendix Table B1-B3).

Figure 7. Age-adjusted premature death (YPLL-75) rates by sex and cause, three-year average, Sonoma County 2015-2017

Figure 7. Age-adjusted premature death (YPLL-75) rates by sex and cause, three-year average, Sonoma County 2015-2017

Source: California Department of Public Health, California Integrated Vital Records System, 2015-2017; Accessed 4/8/2019.

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