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Summary 2. Petaluma


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Read Next in Summary Measures of Health of Health 2015-2017:
Summary 3. Sonoma Valley

Life Expectancy, Leading Causes of Death, and Leading Causes of Premature Death by Geography



  • Zip codes: 94952, 94954
  • Life Expectancy at Birth: 82 years
Leading Causes of Death
Cause 3 Year Total Deaths % of Total Deaths Rate per 100,000 95% CI
All Causes 1,702 100% 625.3 594.9-655.7
Heart Disease 459 27.0% 166.2 150.7-181.6
Cancer 395 23.2% 140.0 125.9-154.2
Alzheimer's Disease 123 7.2% 45.9 37.7-54.2
Stroke 84 4.9% 30.9 24.1-37.6
Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease 78 4.6% 29.8 23.0-36.6
Unintentional Injury 57 3.3% 23.7 17.3-30.1
Leading Causes of Premature Death (YPLL-75)
Cause 3 Year Total Deaths % of Total Deaths Rate per 100,000 95% CI
All Causes 8,148 100% 3452.1 3372.8-3531.4
Cancer 1,978 24.3% 672.6 641.8-703.5
Heart Disease 1,318 16.2% 493.0 465.0-521.0
Unintentional Injury 1,113 13.7% 594.7 558.9-630.5
Suicide 573 7.0% 299.5 274.2-324.8
Chronic Liver Disease 475 5.8% 204.8 185.6-224.0
Diabetes 280 3.4% 120.1 105.2-135.0
Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease 253 3.1% 103.4 89.6-117.3
Stroke 210 2.6% 64.5 55.5-73.4
Premature Death (YPLL-75) from Cancer by Type
Type of Cancer 3 Year Total Deaths % of Total Deaths Rate per 100,000 95%CI
All Cancer 1,978 100% 672.6 641.8-703.5
Female Breast 268 13.5% 186.4
Lung 260 13.1% 73.9 64.9-82.9
Pancreatic 198 10.0% 60.4 51.9-68.9
Colorectal 128 6.5% 44.8 36.8-52.7
Prostate 28 1.4% 17.2**

** RSE 23-29.9%; Interpret with caution

Premature Death (YPLL-75) from Unintentional Injury by Cause
Type of Injury 3 Year Total Deaths % of Total Deaths Rate per 100,000 95%CI
All Unintentional Injury 1,113 100% 594.7 558.9-630.5
Drug Poisoning 535 48.1% 281.7 257.4-306.0
Motor Vehicle Collisions 330 29.6% 176.5 156.7-196.2
Falls 63 5.7% 31.6** 23.4-37.8

** RSE 23-29.9%; Interpret with caution

Premature Death (YPLL-75) from Unintentional Injury by Cause
Geography Cancer Heart Disease Unintentional Injury Suicide Chronic LIver Disease
Cloverdale, Geyserville Significantly higher than Sonoma County rate Significantly higher than Sonoma County rate Significantly higher than Sonoma County rate Significantly higher than Sonoma County rate Rate unstable due to small numbers
Santa Rosa Significantly higher than Sonoma County rate Significantly higher than Sonoma County rate Significantly lower than Sonoma County rate Significantly higher than Sonoma County rate =
Russian River Area Significantly higher than Sonoma County rate Significantly lower than Sonoma County rate Significantly higher than Sonoma County rate = Rate unstable due to small numbers
Healdsburg Significantly lower than Sonoma County rate Significantly higher than Sonoma County rate Significantly higher than Sonoma County rate Significantly lower than Sonoma County rate Rate unstable due to small numbers
Sonoma Valley Significantly lower than Sonoma County rate Significantly lower than Sonoma County rate Significantly higher than Sonoma County rate Significantly higher than Sonoma County rate =
Rohnert Park = Significantly lower than Sonoma County rate Significantly higher than Sonoma County rate Significantly lower than Sonoma County rate =
Windsor Significantly higher than Sonoma County rate Significantly lower than Sonoma County rate Significantly lower than Sonoma County rate Significantly lower than Sonoma County rate Significantly lower than Sonoma County rate
Petaluma Significantly lower than Sonoma County rate = Significantly lower than Sonoma County rate Significantly lower than Sonoma County rate Significantly higher than Sonoma County rate
Sebastopol - West County = Significantly lower than Sonoma County rate Significantly lower than Sonoma County rate Significantly lower than Sonoma County rate =
Significantly lower than Sonoma County rate Significantly lower than Sonoma County rate
Significantly higher than Sonoma County rate Significantly higher than Sonoma County rate
= Same as Sonoma County rate
Rate unstable due to small numbers Rate unstable due to small numbers

All rates are age-adjusted to the US 2000 standard population

Source: VRBIS, CCDF 2015-2017; Accessed 4/8/2019; NCHS, Bridged-Race Vintage Population Estimates, US July 1st resident population 2016; US Census, ACS, 5 Year Estimates by ZTCA, 2017