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Department of Health Services

Table B. Stroke


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Read Next in Sonoma County Summary Measures of Health 2015-2017:
Table B. Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease

By Sex

Age-Adjusted Years of Life Lost Before 75 (YPLL-75) for Leading Causes of Death, Sonoma County 2015-2017
Sex3-Year Total Life Lost
Before Age 75
YPLL per
95% CI
Total1,908105.7100.7 - 110.8
Male1,103 120.4112.9 - 127.9
Female80592.486.0 - 99.7

By Race/Ethnicity

Age-Adjusted Years of Life Lost Before 75 (YPLL-75) for Leading Causes of Death, Sonoma County 2015-2017
Sex3-Year Total Life Lost
Before Age 75
YPLL per
95% CI
Total1,908105.7100.7 - 110.8
African America/Black* * *
American Indian/Alaska Native* * *
Asian/Pacific Islander* * *
Hispanic/Latino388 123.6 111.3 - 136.4
White, non-Hispanic1,285 87.8 82.4 - 93.2

* < 5 cases; Data suppressed

By City of Residence

Age-Adjusted Years of Life Lost Before 75 (YPLL-75) for Leading Causes of Death, Sonoma County 2015-2017
Sex3-Year Total Life Lost
Before Age 75
YPLL per
95% CI
Total1,908105.7100.7 - 110.8
Santa Rosa825 110.1 102.2 - 118.0
Petaluma210 64.5 55.7 - 73.4
Sonoma Valley163 120.3 99.9 - 140.6
Rohnert Park243 181.9 157.8 - 206.0
Sebastopol - West County48 22.9** 16.2 - 29.6
Windsor190 204.6 174.3 - 234.8
Healdsburg ** *
Cloverdale and Geyserville83 223.4 172.7 - 274.0
Russian River area50 96.1** 67.2 - 125.0

* < 5 cases; Data suppressed

**RSE 23-29.9%; Interpret with caution


Age-Adjusted Years of Life Lost Before 75 (YPLL-75) for Leading Causes of Death, Sonoma County 2015-2017
Geographic AreaYPLL per
Sonoma County Total105.7
California Comparison144.1
National Comparison155.7

Source: California Department of Public Health, California Integrated Vital Records System 2005-2017; Accessed 4/8/2019;United States Department of Health and Human Services (US DHHS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), Bridged-Race Population Estimates, United States July 1st resident population by state, county, age, sex, bridged-race, and Hispanic origin. US Census Bureau, American Community Survey, Population by ZTCA 5 Year Estimates, 2013-2017.and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, WISQARS, Years of Potential Life Lost Reports, 2015-2017; Accessed 4/8/2019