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Department of Health Services

For Immediate Release

Optum Serve to close COVID-19 testing centers in Sonoma County

SANTA ROSA, CA | January 27, 2023

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Due to declining usage, COVID-19 testing contractor Optum Serve has announced that it will deactivate its two Sonoma County testing buses on Sunday, Feb. 5 as part of a statewide demobilization effort. The Roseland Community Clinic will continue to provide COVID-19 testing that is free to the public, regardless of insurance or citizenship status.

According to the California Department of Public Health, 44 Optum Serve testing sites across the state were shuttered last week while 48 mobile units, including the two in Sonoma County, will be closing by early February.

The county’s Department of Health Services has worked closely with Optum Serve since April 2020 to locate clinics in the county based on community need. Optum Serve has provided 179,325 COVID-19 tests at more than 650 clinics at locations throughout Sonoma County. In addition to COVID-19 PCR and “rapid” antigen testing, Optum Serve has prescribed treatments to eligible patients who tested positive for COVID-19 as part of the California Department of Public Health’s Test to Treat program, as well as testing for Influenza A and B.

Sonoma County Health Officer Dr. Sundari Mase continues to urge members of the public to get tested if they have COVID-19 symptoms or feel they may have been exposed in order to get treated if positive and avoid spreading the disease to others. If positive for COVID-19, seek a monoclonal antibodies treatment from your medical provider, if you have one. If you don’t have a medical provider, you can get treatment by making a free telehealth appointment with Sesame.

“It’s important to know your COVID-19 status so we can ensure that everyone, especially the elderly and those with underlying health conditions, remain safe and healthy,” Dr. Mase said. “You will still be able to get tested with an at-home test, by a medical provider for those that have one, or at the Roseland Community Clinic.”

The Roseland clinic, at 779 Sebastopol Road in Santa Rosa, will remain open Tuesday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Beginning Feb. 6, the county Department of Health Services plans to host resource tables four days per week at seven locations in the county. Sites will be determined based on need. At these locations, the county will provide at-home test kits, as long as supplies last, and COVID-19 information and resources. Once finalized, the schedule for these resource tables will be found on SoCoEmergency’s testing calendar.

In addition, free PCR COVID-19 testing from health care contractor Color is available at six locations in Santa Rosa, Rohnert Park, Guerneville, Geyserville and Cloverdale. These self-swab tests are for people who are exposed or symptomatic. To find out details about locations, hours of operation and how to register, visit and enter your zip code.

Those who have been exposed to COVID-19 or have symptoms, can also get free testing at pharmacies, such as CVS, Walgreens and Rite Aid.

In January, the county also provided 4,000 testing kits to community partners for distribution to the public, including: Social Advocates for Youth, Roseland CBI & Equidad, Meema’s House, Inc., Petaluma Family Resource Center, Unsheltered Friends Outreach, La Familia Sana, Lideres del Futuro Avanzando/Humanidad Therapy, EFZM Engage, County of Sonoma WIC, La Luz Center, Sonoma Immigrant Services, Extended Child Care, Petaluma People Services Center, On the Move - La Plaza, Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County, Health Professional for Equality and Community Empowerment (HPEACE), North Bay Organizing Project, Jewish Community Free Clinic, and Latino Service Providers.

Each residential household can also receive four at-home COVID-19 tests from the federal government by visiting the United Postal Service COVID test site. Other providers, such as Curative and Molecular Matrix, offer free testing for those who have health insurance. For updated information, visit COVID-19 testing in Sonoma County.

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Media Contact: 
Matt Brown, Communication Specialist
(707) 565-3040
575 Administration Drive, Suite 104A
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
